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Required Liability Waiver & Photographic Release

All parents/guardians of players must review and agree to the following Waiver & Release. 

Liability Waiver & Photographic Release

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the youth soccer camp organized by Taylor Made Futbol Initiative, I, the undersigned participant or parent/guardian, agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Assumption of Risk: I understand that participation in soccer activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of injury from falls, collisions, and other soccer-related activities. I voluntarily assume these risks.

2. Release and Waiver: I release and waive any claims against "Taylor Made Futbol Initiative/Goal Bound Soccer Day", its organizers, coaches, and staff for any injuries, damages, or losses that may arise as a result of participation in the camp.

3. Medical Treatment: In case of injury or medical emergency, I authorize the camp staff to seek and administer necessary medical treatment.

4. Photographic Release: I consent to the use of any photographs, videos, or other media of the participant for promotional or educational purposes by "Taylor Made Futbol Initiative/Goal Bound Soccer Day".

5. Insurance: I understand that I am responsible for providing my own medical and accident insurance for the participant.

6. Compliance: I agree to abide by all camp rules and policies.

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